
Woman arrested for selling book on how to scam sugar daddies; 2,000 copies bought

Woman arrested for writing a book on how to scam sugar daddies

Mai Watanabe from Nagoya, Japan claimed to be an expert in swindling men, so she decided to put her expertise in a book to guide other young women.

Some of the titles of her books, which she posted on her social media handles read: “Textbook for Sugar Babies: The Right Profile and Magical Words to Make Men Pay.”

The books talked about how to approach middle-aged men who are deemed vulnerable to extract as much money as possible. One of the books asked users to tell their sugar daddies that they had a difficult upbringing to win their compassion and get money. Fabricating a story about being sick and unable to work, saying they desperately needed assistance with rent payments was another strategy in the books.

Watanabe began selling her scamming instructions last year, allegedly for between 10,000 and 20,000 yen ($67 and $134), with exclusive lessons available for an extra charge, according to sources from the Naka Police Department.

Reports say police launched an investigation into the activities of Watanabe after arresting a 20-year-old woman who allegedly defrauded two men in Aichi Prefecture of a total of 10.65 million yen ($72,000) using tactics from Watanabe’s books.

The suspect, known online as “Itadakijoshi Riri-chan (Riri the Sugar Baby),” turned out to be an experienced paid dating expert. She was accused of stealing 27 million yen (roughly $182,500) from a 50-year-old man in September, according to a report in the Japanese newspaper The Mainichi. She allegedly told the man that she had borrowed money from a friend to open her clothing store and that she would have to sell her body at a brothel to repay the loan.

  1. New charges against her were published by The Mainichi last month following an accusation by a 54-year-old man that he had sent Riri, the Sugar Baby a total of nearly 117 million yen, an equivalent of $780,000. The victim believed that his scammer used guidelines from Watanabe’s books.
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