Rev. Tetteh called for prophetic voices to concentrate on messages that inspire hope and uplift people, noting in a recent statement the possible harm that comes from doomsday prophecies to both individuals and society as a whole.
Rev. Lawrence Tetteh has voiced worry about the predominance of doom guesses that prophesy bad things, tragedies, or disasters. Tetteh is well-known for his extensive ministry and dedication to encouraging good change.
In an effort to prevent unnecessary worry and anxiety, he urges other prophets to use caution and responsibility when conveying their instructions.
Speaking on TV3 prior to the year’s final watch night on December 31, Rev. Lawrence Tetteh urges prophets to reflect on their messages and consider how they affect society as a whole. He also calls for responsible prophetic declarations and self-regulation within the prophetic community.
“I will admonish my brothers and my sisters in the prophetic ministry not to bring doom prophecies, don’t go and prophecy somebody is going to die, don’t go and prophecy somebody is going to have an accident. Certain prophecies are very private, let us learn to handle them privately,”
He believes that maintaining a healthy and resilient society still requires reaching a balance between spirituality and a sense of duty.
Meanwhile, the police have reminded everyone of the law regarding the spread of false information, with a focus on the religious community in particular.
The project is an aspect of a larger attempt to control the rate with which prophets and other religious leaders terrify Ghanaians with their prophecies.